The Best Places to go Trick-or-Treating in Asheville
Halloween in Asheville is fun, like everywhere else, and beautiful! The weather is perfect by the end of October: warm, sunny, glorious days and chilly, crisp nights. Most years, the trees still display their stunning fall colors, and the evening breeze adds the last touch for a perfect night to celebrate the magic of fall.
The roots of the current traditions of All Hallows’ Eve are ancient and diverse, but one thing is for sure – almost everyone loves Halloween! What’s not to love about wearing a fun costume, walking around after dark with dozens of people wearing costumes, and getting (tons of) free candy?
Of course, the biggest applause goes to the neighbors who make it happen. Giving out candy is as fun as getting it! I still remember when a woman from a very active parenting Facebook group I administer asked other parents if they could please take their kids to the home of her 93-year-old father.
He loves Halloween and is always ready and excited to welcome little ones, but nobody showed up at his front door last year. Guess what? Dozens of families visited him last Halloween, and he had the time of his life. It takes a village!
October is hands down one of the best months to be in Asheville. There is so much to do – from scenic drives and family-friendly hikes to see the leaves change color to fall festivals, pick-your-own flower and fruit farms, and a fantastic food scene bountiful of local produce (and oh so many pumpkin and apple treats!).
Halloween in Asheville is the spectacular end to a spectacular fall season. There are many ways to celebrate it. We have Halloween events for families and adults – some are focused on the season’s beauty, while others are eerie-oriented.
Some families prefer low-key events; others thrive on joining bigger festivities. Of course, going from door to door asking for candy is still the highlight of the night. Are you a new parent or new to the city and wondering where to trick-or-treat in Asheville? I’ve compiled a list for you, then!
Also, we love the outstanding work of our friends at Family Friendly Asheville. Follow their Facebook page for the most comprehensive list of local events.
You’ll love the map they made with the best houses to see Halloween decorations in Asheville. (Thank you!) And if you live in Asheville, the local group Asheville Mamas is another great resource. Although, please don’t try to join if you’re just visiting.
You can also check your neighborhood’s churches, libraries, fire departments, shops, YMCA, and Asheville Parks and Recreation community centers. These places often organize festivals, picnics, and trunk-or-treat events on the week of Halloween and tend to be perfect for younger kids.
Many restaurants also have kids eat free on Halloween day if they wear a costume (the fantastic Buxton BBQ did it in years past!). Finally, most local dessert places feature special treats to celebrate Halloween in Asheville! You must check out The Hop’s spooky-looking seasonal ice cream flavors and the Stay Glazed Halloween donuts.
Don’t forget to check out our web story: The Best Places to go Trick-or-Treating in Asheville
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Where to Trick-or-Treat in Asheville
1. Get piles of candy and enjoy impressive Halloween decorations in historic Montford
Montford is one of the best trick-or-treating neighborhoods in Asheville for a good reason: it seems to have been conceived to host a mysterious, spooky evening on which the veils between worlds disappear.
Imagine wide avenues, ancient trees, historic buildings, private residences with broad porches and beautiful gardens, and even a cemetery! Plus, residents are super welcoming and follow our motto that begs to “Keep Asheville Weird.”
Here is where you’ll find some of the best decorations during Halloween in Asheville, including gigantic spiders walking over roofs, a front garden entirely adorned with creepy Barbies and Kens (on Cumberland Ave.), and other creative, scary, and funny scenes.
The main avenues are Montford and Cumberland, but the side streets also join the party. Depending on the time of the afternoon you go, you’ll find groups of families with young kids or packs of teenagers squeezing in the last vestiges of their childhood.
Despite being one of the best places to trick-or-treat in Asheville, Montford is spacious and doesn’t feel crowded during Halloween. You can get there right before sunset, and people will be around well into the night. Please remember that the streets are not closed off, but the sidewalks are ample and safe.
Part of Montford is a National Register Historic District, and you’ll love exploring its streets and parks and checking out its restaurants. If you’re hungry, go to All Day Darling, Tall John’s, and Nine Mile!
2. Get ready for a West Asheville-style Halloween party on Vermont Avenue
Vermont Ave Halloween is one of Asheville’s most fun places to trick-or-treat. Every October 31, about 2,000 unicorns, dinosaurs, witches, and Michael Meyers take over this West Asheville avenue lined with beautiful trees and go from house to house to celebrate with spooky sounds, fun decorations, games, and candy.
The vibe is different than Montford because we’re talking about a street versus an entire neighborhood. The flat surface, the proximity of its houses, and the number of participants give Vermont Avenue the feeling of a huge block party.
The street closes off, and volunteers maintain barricades to keep everyone safe. The festival runs from 5:00 or 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm, and neighbors go all out to keep this tradition alive on the night of the dead.
The celebration on Vermont Ave is a community effort, and it includes the love of neighbors, local restaurants that collect or donate candy for the evening, and volunteers. You can support Vermont Ave Halloween by donating money, candy, or volunteering.
3. Check out these smaller yet super festive celebrations
Do you want to celebrate Halloween but enjoy a more low-key evening than what the other places to treat-or-trick in Asheville offer? I’ve gathered – with the help of the members of the Facebook group Asheville Mamas – a list of some streets or lesser-known neighborhoods where you can take your family and have lots of fun without being overwhelmed.
- Knoll Ridge Drive’s residents (North Asheville) typically give out candy to 400 or more kids!
- Jocelyn and Kimberly Avenue near the Omni Grove Park Inn (North Asheville) are also very popular. Go to the historic Rose Garden at Gracelyn and South Griffing.
- Also in North Asheville, Lake View Park (the neighborhood surrounding the Asheville Country Club, across from Beaver Lake) and Norwood Park (by Weaver Park) are also good places to treat-or-trick in Asheville.
- In South Asheville, the neighborhood surrounding Biltmore Park Town Square’s shopping district celebrates Halloween with fun decorations and full-size candy bars.
- Every Halloween, the Biltmore Forest Police Department closes White Oak Road and Buena Vista Road – a good option for those looking for a more traditional neighborhood.
- Kenilworth (Central Asheville) is one of the best trick-or-treating neighborhoods in Asheville. You’ll love the friendly vibe of this unique area.
- Kingsgate Road in Beverly Hills (East Asheville) has lots of families with younger children in incredibly adorable costumes.
- Some houses around Malvern Hills Park (West Asheville) celebrate Halloween. Plus, the park offers an excellent opportunity for a Halloween picnic.
- Also in West Asheville, Brucemont Circle has fantastic decorations and candy is always guaranteed.
- Mount Carmel Subdivision, next to Erwin High School (West Asheville), is one of the most popular places to trick-or-treat in Asheville, with families coming from all over rural Buncombe County to participate.
- The Western North Farmers Market offers a fun opportunity to trick-or-treat indoors from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- In Enka/Candler, go to Biltmore Lake, Enka Village, or Woodside Hills. The streets of these areas are closed to cars during Halloween, and the vibe is busy but relaxed.
- While in Fletcher, visit Riverstone, a community of 553 homes that get busy and super festive.
4. Do you have little ones and want to start early? Join the Asheville Outlets’ Boo Bash!
Going to the best trick-or-treating neighborhoods in Asheville can be challenging for those with very young kids. Many people are wearing scary costumes (and costumes, even if they are happy, can be frightening – take clowns as an example!). Halloween activities can also mess up kids’ bedtime schedules.
That’s why many families celebrate their children’s first Halloweens at private parties or by attending low-profile events earlier in the day. The Asheville Outlets’ Boo Bash from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm offers trick-or-treating, a fun photo booth, games, and surprises, like the opportunity to win tickets to see the popular animal-free, Broadway-style Venardos Circus.
You’ll love celebrating this fun day with your family and being able to be back home by 5:00 pm!
5. Do you like the idea of a big downtown Halloween party? Head out to Treat Street Carnival in Hendersonville!
Treat Street Carnival on Main Street in Downtown Hendersonville is an entire Halloween festival where local businesses hand candy to hundreds of trick-or-treaters, and everyone in the community is welcome to join.
You’ll love the games, the inflatable play areas, the live music and dance, and even the inclusion of a Day of the Day celebration! There are also custom contests for different age categories, including a competition for pets.
To prove this is a truly communal event, organizations are invited to participate at no charge to promote their causes. All they need to do is handle candy for cute kids wearing costumes.
Hendersonville is among the three most populated Western North Carolina towns after Asheville, so it’s a busy celebration with loads of fun activities.
6. Find out why Downtown Weaverville is a great place to trick-or-treat
Maybe you’ve gotten too used to celebrating Halloween in Asheville, have done everything listed above, and are looking for alternatives. Then, Weaverville might be a tempting option.
First, the Weaverville Chamber of Commerce hosts a costume contest with amazing prizes. After that, the winner of the best-decorated business competition is announced (you’ll love to see the windows decorated).
Finally, the best part: Historic Downtown Weaverville has an annual Halloween Candy Giveaway! Follow the town’s Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for updates.
Finally, the residents join Downtown Weaverville in their Halloween celebrations. Go to the neighborhood behind downtown and around Church Street and have a fun trick-or-treating!
7. Get your “treats on the street” in Downtown Waynesville
The small town of Waynesville in Haywood County has so much to offer, including countless opportunities for outdoor adventures, excellent restaurants, shops, and art galleries, and a unique downtown Halloween celebration!
Each year on the evening of Halloween, Main Street closes to traffic, so trick-or-treaters can go from one shop to the other and get yummy goods. Besides the local businesses, the churches and the police department also join the celebration.
8. Spend a sweet Halloween in Black Mountain, one of the prettiest small towns in America
Black Mountain won the TripAdvisor Readers’ Choice Award for “Prettiest Small Town Vacation in America” in 2017, and for a reason – it’s adorable! The downtown area is full of independent shops and great restaurants, and it hosts various festivals yearly.
Although not an official Black Mountain festival, the Halloween trick-or-treating tradition attracts lots of people from the neighboring towns who are looking for a small-town atmosphere yet a very active and fun experience.
Your children will join over 1,000 kids who walk around Church Street, East Connally Street, and New Bern Avenue in search of fun – and candy!
Happy Halloween!
There you have it! The best places to trick-or-treat in Asheville, NC. What’s your go-to place to trick-or-treat in and around Asheville? Let us know so we can add it to the list!