Helpful Resources for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs in Asheville

While Asheville is first and foremost a tourism city, there’s a strong undercurrent of innovation that has been growing here.

People love local products and local art, and over time, we’ve been growing the entrepreneurship/small business sector as well.

Here are some resources in the Asheville area that are a great option for those who want to be their own boss or bring a product or service to market!

The Business Directory can help you identify where other similar businesses are located, what is already on the market in town.


Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Business Directory

This is a business advisory service offering specialized counseling that can help you when you’re launching a small or medium-sized business.


Work with a Counselor Through SBTDC

The concept behind 1 Million Cups Asheville is rather simple: a community of entrepreneurs gathers weekly and listens to business ideas from the group.


Network at 1 Million Cups Asheville

They offer resources through a program called NC IDEA LABS, perfect for refining a starting idea before you launch a business.


Explore Grants Through NC IDEA

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