Getting Involved: A Guide to Asheville’s Nonprofits

Locals in Asheville tend to be civic-minded.

Nonprofits advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, focusing on improving animal welfare or conserving the beautiful nature around us.

Finding a great fit involves combining your passion with your availability and skills, so check out a few different options!

Eblen Charities

Their long-standing presence in the community has helped them to identify needs and be a consistent presence in places like our schools to make sure that needs are met.


Asheville Humane Society

Here you can be an active part of the work of taking care of local animals who are between homes.


Appalachian Sustainable Agricultural Project

The program encompasses creating farm tours, offering conferences, running the Asheville City Market, and educating both children and adults.


Babies Need Bottoms

The Babies Need Bottoms diaper bank provides diapering supplies, cloth diapering kits, and period supplies.


Asheville Area Habitat

Habitat works to build sturdy homes with the help of volunteer labor and homeowner “sweat equity,” yielding a much more affordable mortgage.


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