A Guide to the Libraries of Asheville, NC

Rather than just buying a few books for one’s own home, our tax dollars work together to share thousands of physical books and countless additional online resources.

While many features of the library are localized, don’t be a stranger when you visit other towns and find a public library there.

Here are some of the features that make each of these libraries popular with their local residents and visitors alike.

Black Mountain Public Library

Black Mountain Public Library is a great place to pick up reserved books from the entire Buncombe County collection.


Enka-Candler Public Library

Nearby, you’ll find Enka Lake and Historic Enka Village Park, great for a quick jaunt after picking up your books or attending some programming.


Leicester Public Library

They have their own Giving Garden, which fosters community and allows local gardeners to bond with each other.


Pack Memorial Library

As the largest and main branch of the Buncombe County library system, Pack Memorial Library is the spot to visit if you’re going to visit anywhere.


Weaverville Public Library

They have a fairly small building but it features beautiful high ceilings and a downstairs community room for events like their children’s story times.


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