Apple Picking in and Around Asheville: The Best Apple Orchards

When autumn arrives in the mountains of North Carolina, one of the best opportunities for a fun time in nature is to explore Asheville’s apple-picking scene.

The experience of trekking into the orchards, searching for the best apples, and filling up a box or two to bring home for apple pie, apple butter, and just eating straight cannot be beat!

Finding the best apple orchards in Hendersonville involves deciding what matters to you. The possibilities are endless in the various apple orchards near Asheville!

Stepp’s Hillcrest Orchard

Stepp’s keeps families entertained at all ages. Older kids and teens will get a kick out of the huge, pretty challenging corn maze and the apple cannon.


Granddad’s Apples

Beginning in the fall, a pumpkin patch opens up, the silly and fun corn maze becomes available, and the cow train takes small visitors for a journey around the property.


Jeter Mountain Farm

Jeter Mountain Farm’s farm-themed indoor playground keeps little children active while their families can keep an eye on them and sample apple-related treats or coffees.


Justus Orchard

This orchard includes u-pick apples, u-pick blackberries, a pumpkin patch, and so much more. The farm has been in the family for four generations.


The Orchard at Altapass in Spruce Pine

They prioritize heirloom apples and use as few chemicals as possible in the process, all while creating an environment friendly to the honeybees.


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